Heathridge Earmarked for Re-zoning

To cater for Perth’s future population growth and in order to meet future housing needs and changing lifestyle choices, Joondalup City Council has developed a Local Housing Strategy that will bring significant changes to Heathridge.

The aim of the Local Housing Strategy is to provide excellent opportunities for more compact living and greater housing choices. This is achieved by increasing residential density in those areas within close proximity to public transport and existing infrastructure such as homes surrounding Edgewater Station, Marmion Avenue and Hodges Drive. Designated areas within Heathridge are earmarked to change from R20 to R60, R20 to R40 and R20 to R30.

This process is likely to take a minimum of 18 months from when the proposed amendment is advertised for public comment. This timeframe is subject to the formal processes which need to be undertaken, such as a public consultation period and seeking approvals from relevant service authorities.

The City is proactively pursuing the implementation of the density increases outlined in the Local Housing Strategy. However, it is only once the Local Housing Strategy recommendations are incorporated into the City of Joondalup District Planning Scheme No.2 (DPS2) will landowners be able to apply for development or subdivision approval in line with the new densities.

If successful, the rezoning will help to revitalise the area and will bring the following changes:

Many residential properties will gain new development potential
Redevelopment will occur but at a rate of land owners choosing
Redevelopment at medium density will lead to greater housing choices
New housing development will have to meet design standards and contribute positively to the amenity of the area
Commercial centres and mixed use zoned properties may be redeveloped to include new housing
As redevelopment occurs, more people will enjoy local parks, services and facilities in the area

For a copy of the re-zoning maps and to find out whether your property will be benefit from the changes, please do not hesitate to call me on 0433 148 909 or email [email protected].